January 22, 2020
Drug addiction is one of the top addictions in the world. So, it would not come as a surprise that, there are some individuals in the church who are addicted to drugs.
Addiction is no respecter of persons, so anyone could be addicted. However, the fact that people are unaware of is, it is easier for Christians to break free from drug addiction than other set of people.
The church is an awesome source of support in the prevention of triggers, cravings and the likes. All the aforementioned lead to an individual going back to addiction. However, in the church, these features are controlled, so that the individual has a hold over them.
It would interest you to know that, the church always takes interest in anyone who wants to break free from addiction.

This happens because, there is a proficient system in place to make sure that, drug addiction is combatted, and some of the key tools that would be used are faith, prayer and the likes.
The church is very much aware of how bad the society has gotten. The level of moral decadence is fast declining, and of the reasons why this is happening, is the prevalence of drug addiction.
So, the church has put in measures in place to continually educate her youths and teenagers on the dangers of drug abuse and addiction, and how they can help themselves.
The church believes that, if it educates the youths and teenagers on the dangers of drug abuse and addiction, it would reduce the rate of drug addiction in the society at large.
Also, the church would continually teach her members that, they should look at the church as a family rather than an organization. This would give them a sense of belonging to the church.
Someone who wants to defeat addiction needs to understand the concept of avoiding being an idle mind. People who do not have anything doing, would most likely be susceptible to being addicted.