Author: chris50

Approaching Drug Rehab from a Christian Perspective

christ drug rehabilitationIn the realm of Christian addiction treatment, drug addiction is believed to be an issue with a person’s spirituality, as well as a chemical disease and mental disorder. The drug addiction is just an outlet for much deeper emotional scars, which only God can heal.

This philosophy originates from the Christian concept of God being what our hearts truly desire, and anything we place above God will disappointment and harm us. However, when we use God for healing, he will renew our minds and hearts, causing us to be sufficiently strong to rebuke drug addiction. Once we draw nearer to him, a feeling of purpose will negate our desire to use a drug to produce feelings of pleasure.

Accepting Christ is the start of a prolonged relationship, but despite the fact that we are redeemed through him, our freedom dictates that people can continue to backslide, or relapse. The Bible calls us to take up a new identity in Christ, but no where does it state that we should do this alone. Christ’s existence summarized the significance of community, as well as creating a support system through close friends. This is also true of the Christian drug rehab program.

It is integral to Christian beliefs to be part of a faith community, however, considering drug addiction, it is wise for the addicted person to seek support from medical and mental professionals. The risks of drug addiction require guidance from recovery specialists to ensure a positive treatment experience for patients. With this degree of professional care, a recognized Christian substance treatment facility will help you repair your life with the love of Christ.


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Why Faith Matters to Recovery from Drug Addiction

faith-based drug recoveryIt is quite common for influential individuals to originate from a Christian background, and it is common for influential individuals to fight drug addiction. Since these two matters can frequently be related, Christian drug treatment centers is the most effective method for dealing with drug addiction. It may be beneficial for top profile Christian individuals to seek a Christian drug rehab program when they are fighting addiction in order to utilize their beliefs as a tool for sobriety. Non-Christian drug rehab centers simply do not realize a Christian’s desire to involve their beliefs in every part of their life, including making a full recovery from drug abuse.

Christian people should choose the best physical and mental care available, such as a luxury Christian drug rehab. Not only will the therapy be consistent with their personal values, it will likewise offer the most current, well-developed treatment offered by any drug rehab. Government funded drug rehabs frequently do not have the funds required to supply their clients with what is needed for a permanent recovery. Ongoing sobriety necessitates the advanced, personalized treatment that low-funded rehabs cannot afford.

If you are battling drug addiction, you are not alone. Regardless of whether you are firm in your values as a Christian or you are interested in Christian beliefs and wish to know what they can offer your recovery from drug abuse, consider Christian drug rehab. The journey of Christian belief has survived for many centuries, and it can create a feeling of purpose and love within the lives of individuals who embrace it, while guiding your path to sobriety.


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Why Should I Choose a Christian Drug Rehab?

christianity drug rehabilitationChristian drug rehab programs are a particularly effective method of recuperating from drug addiction for most people who have tried it. For Christian believers who have become addicted to drugs, it is a way of spiritual healing, free of judgment and shame. You will find many quality secular drug rehab programs around too, however, for people of Christian belief, they are frequently found to be missing something. A recuperating drug addict is of course very vulnerable, coping with issues which have been suppressed by drug abuse, and being a member of a rehab program that fails their belief system could be harmful.

Christian addiction treatment is not to be mistaken for spiritual addiction treatment, which does not follow any one religious belief, but rather encourages patients to go to whatever deity or higher power they embrace. Though a Christian drug rehab might not be overtly Christian, meaning that it is centered on sobriety instead of religion, it is unique in that patients have the option of recovering within an atmosphere that can introduce them to Christ if they desire, or to remind them of Christ’s love if they are already a believer.

Christian drug rehab has a proven reputation for success. Pages from the Bible speak clearly to drug addiction, to the grief that triggers it and to the life, love and purpose found in Christ that can end it. A Christian drug rehab program will prove effective to a suffering drug addict since it provides the perfect remedy to the problem of drug addiction: Christ’s love, which can fill a damaged heart with the strength to beat addiction.


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The Historical Continuum of Christian Rehab

christianity and rehabilitationChristian rehab is an addiction treatment solution that is being recognized as effective in the U.S. This is due to a rise in recovery ministries as well as recovery programs that were instated during the Bush administration. However, the idea of Christian drug treatment programs and Christian alcohol treatment programs is not a new revelation, but instead dates back to the colonizing of the U.S.

The first example of recovery through religion was observed in the 1700’s when Christian missionaries started to inspire Native American tribes to reject alcohol and switch to worshiping God. Through the late 1700’s, Christianity was used as a tool to combat alcoholism. Organizations like the Salvation Army started to found halls and houses to accommodate recuperating addicts in the Christian spirit of good works.

The early 1900’s saw the creation of the first medical facilities for dealing with disorders such as alcoholism, using Christianity within their practices. Secular researchers of the day studied the methods used by Christian rehab programs. Alcoholics Anonymous was formed in the 1930’s as well as a number of less known organizations and fellowships of Christian and spiritual origin. Within the 1950’s, grassroots organizations, usually starting in places of worship, grew to become a local, urban method of fighting addiction problems.

Christian groups against addiction kept growing between the 1970’s and the 1990’s, increasing in numbers as recuperating addicts became members of the movement. A new standard of awareness for how to overcome addiction was formed through Christian recovery groups during the twentieth century, for example modern intervention models and the redefining of addiction in various subcultures.

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