Christian Counseling and the Addiction Experience
Addiction is an epidemic in America today. Almost every American adult has been personally affected by it or knows someone who has. In a world of growing pressure, people constantly feel the need to escape from their present reality with the use of addictive substances.
Beyond drugs and alcohol addiction, sex and gambling addictions are also prevalent in our society. We learn that most addicts were influenced by peers and the entertainment culture into the use of addictive substances.
Though many therapeutic methods have been initiated to stop the surge of addiction, there’s still an upsurge on the addiction chart. Addictions are habits that can’t be broken until the cue is taken away. Our everyday society is such that people constantly feel the need to escape from their reality.
What is the response of Christian counselors to this growing trend of addiction?
Christian Counseling in a Growing World of Addiction
Addictions are created by the craving and relief system. People have cravings and the immediate satisfaction of their craving gives them relief. At first, it is a daily cycle, then it becomes twice a day, then thrice a day.

At a point, people are consumed by the craving that they live off their addiction. As a Christian counselor whose responsibility is multiple, what are the steps to take?
– Addiction brings with it a lot of pain and hopelessness. As a Christian counselor, your first responsibility is to restore hope that the cycle can be broken.
– As a Christian counselor, Christians and non-Christians can be helped by you. Your first approach shouldn’t be to shove faith down their throats. It may cause them to lose interest.
– There are biblical principles for helping people overcome addiction. One of which is love, show them love and be patient with them. Help them understand that God loves them irrespective of their state.
Dealing with addicts as a Christian counselor helps you understand humans and become better at what you do. For the addicts- it is a walk to freedom, for you- it is a journey of enlightenment. Your duty includes helping the addicts make better life choices.